Sunday, April 3, 2011

Apple Sausage Overnight Brunch Casserole

Hello! This one's for Teri & Martha =)  This is beyond delicious.  I did a Mothers' Day Brunch for many many years ~ if I did not make this recipe people got upset!  And it is soooo easy =)  I have not figured out how to get a "print" this on here - my suggestion is to copy & paste it (ctrl C to copy - ctrl V to paste).  I'll start with the recipe - in this case in parentheses (doesn't that word just look wrong?)(I checked) is what I use to halve the recipe - and what I made in the pictures. 

Apple Sausage Overnight Brunch Casserole

2# bulk pork sausage (roll or ground) (1#)
3-4 Apples, cored and sliced-about 1/4 slices (2)
9 slices plain ole white bread, crusts removed & cubed (5)
3/4 tsp yellow mustard (1/2 tsp)
9 eggs, beaten (can replace with egg beaters) (5)
1-1/2 C grated sharp cheddar cheese (bought grated not as good) (1C)
3 C milk (I use 2%) (1 - 1/2 C)

Fry the sausage, using slotted spoon remove to baking dish (13 x 9 x 2 or 2- 1-1/2 qt dishes).  Saute the apple in the reserved fat.  Combine rest, giving bread time to absorb the wet ingredients.  Pour over sausage.  Refrigerate overnight.  Preheat 350. Bake uncovered 30 minutes, covered 30 minutes more. 

brown the sausage ~ steamy =) lololol
granny smith here ~ I like golden delicious, too , but they don't hold up well

Plates ready for a dinner of this! Sweet gherkins go wonderfully, crusty bread with apricot marmalade with a bit of chili powder - and heated slightly in the microwave



  1. This sounds wonderful, AND easy! I have all those ingredients in my pantry/freezer/refrig. I'm going to try it.

    Love your blog! I don't know why you think you need help. You're doing GREAT! I really like the photos showing step by step, AND the way you showed how you modified the original recipe. Good stuff!

  2. I need help figuring out how to answer a post for one lolol - and to downsize photos - and you are my greatest cheerleader =) TY - I sent you this in that ripped up mail years ago - dang - and yours will taste sooper great with fresh eggs =)
