Sunday, April 17, 2011

Let's set somethings straight!

I said I was a sous chef at the Barn of Barrington to an old friend - which in my opinion I was - but that isn't what the Barn called me - here's a thot I sent on to her just to clear the record....
Now - just to set record straight - I was not OFFICIALLY a sous chef - in fact neither the upstairs kitchen nor downstairs had a sous chef.  I worked there three seperate times - it was too late to do in the school year!  I worked in the Carvary - which was only open wed-thurs-sat-sundays - but generally about 55-60 hrs a week -  the downstairs room soph summer - jr summer then after graduation(highschool).  And filled in when I was needed during the year - officially I was "salad girl".  Tom was head chef - but I think everyone just called him the boss - lol - and he was upstairs.  For the life of me I cannot recall my chef's name but as the years went by he got drunker and drunker.  It was just the two of us downstairs.  And I had to come in earlier and earlier to do his prep as well as salads, appetizers and desserts.  That last time I was often starting service without him - many things like the prime rib, say, which had to be started earlier in the day came down to us from upstairs - but the downstairs served many things up didn't -
Anyway - I can truly say one of the highlights of those years was when Eve Arden - I so loved Our Miss Brooks =) came in - landed by helicopter - she was doing some theatre in the area - and the gm came to me when she wanted the swan glace' - because he knew my raspberry sauce was the best in the house (little secret the barkeep and I had lol - and not alcholic either =) - and then she wanted to meet me - but they wouldn't let me leave the kitchen =( I got to look out the door at her tho - she was still drop dead glam!!!!!!!!!!
That's the end of the email to my friend - I was such a mess by the end of the night, there!  They called me Aunt Jemima - cmon, NOT rude - because I wore a bandana like the syrup lady did =) Chopping frogs legs - shelling oysters,  making crepes, prepping any kitchen is messy =) My Mom used to smell me from a block away - but she loved that Black Forest Torte I brought her =) Memories,,,
Best people in the world are restaurant people....seriously =)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Crabby Princess

Maybe cuz my favorite color is pink ~ maybe cuz I love the design
here's a site I think is pretty neat =)

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Ooh so cannot wait to make this recipe - from one of my best friends in the world - and her blog is one amazing place!

Is Spring Here?

Needed a nice spring salad,,,

Tuna Salad

2 cans tuna in water, drained
Mayo as needed(please not Miracle whip)
1Tsp capers (or chopped green olives or pickle relish or chopped dill pickles)
2 green onions chopped
2 small celery ribs chopped finely
Hard Boiled eggs (in cold water bring to boil off heat 16 minutes covered - cool, peel immediately)
bagged or grown spring salad mix
Ritz crackers
1 Cucumber
1 Avocado
Your favorite dressing if you like (Western here =)

Mix wash slice make eat (and hugs)

I love my dishes that look like food =) Next time asparagus gets added!

Rachelle's Meat Loaf

No two ways about it - best meat loaf I have ever had,,,ever.

Chelle is a lovely young lady I once had the pleasure of knowing...daughter of a man I was seeing.  Such a shame we aren't in contact anymore but that is the way life works sometimes. 

Rachelle's Meatloaf

1 - 1/2 # ground beef
1C bread crumbs
1 Egg
2C Shredded Cheddar, divided
1 medium vadalia or other sweet onion, finely chopped, about 1/2 cup
2 Tbl sweet pickle relish
sea salt/pepper
4 Slices Bacon
Your favorite BBQ sauce (hers calls for swt baby ray's so does mine =)

Sides - asparagus wrapped with bacon & huge bakers (if making bakers put in oven now when you begin prep - large Idaho potatoes - they are bakers,,,)

Preheat 350

Mix all but bacon, BBQ sauce & 1 C cheddar

Press into 2 qt baking dish.  Cook bacon until about 1/2 done (doing about 10-12 slices if making asparagus side)(and however many the cook gets for cooking =) Set bacon aside(reserve bacon fat if making asparagus).  Cover meat with BBQ sauce, then bacon , then cheese.  Bake about 1 hr watching cheese, rest 10 minutes. 

Asparagus wrapped with Bacon

Poke potatoes so they don't explode

break off ends - seperate into bundles - thin asparagus is the most tender

wrap bundles - secure with toothpicks - add sea salt and reserved bacon fat

Ready to broil - and my bacon ready to eat =)
Back to meatloaf

Before cooking


Now - Broil asparagus 4 minutes and turn then watch about another 4 minutes depending on the thickness of your asparagus


Easy Salsa

Friend coming over! oh no =) Decided to throw together some salsa...had the scoops fritoes and tortilla...

Opened a large can of chopped tomatoes - had on hand onions celery parsley - chop chop =) And in my freezer I always have some frozen chipotle peppers in adobo sauce.  I make a recipe that calls for 3 of the peppers in the can.  The can comes with about 12.  I freeze the rest of the can in a mini muffin tin.  Then into a freezer proof bag.  I got the turkey chili recipe from Cooking Light magazine.  I was not the only one to make a mistake...never having used them before =) They printed an apology - they said when we said use 3 ,,, we didn't mean 3 CANS! So watch these peppers they are HOT! I used about half of what you see chopped up in pic - and it was still tooo dang hot =) And garlic powder - my friend loved it =)

Shrimp with Mandarin Spices

This one has me befuddled on how to recreate!  Bought a mixed spice called mandarin spices ~ garlic, green peppers, onion, chives, green onion, sesame seed, "spices", salt, brown sugar, sesame oil, orange juice solids, orange oil and things we dont want to eat.  Boy is it great - so will be experimenting with shrimp "kabobs" I think...

The brown sugar gave just the right amount of carmelization - think I will try with an orange dipping sauce....Keep you posted on this one =)

I had a two pound package of shrimp already on skewers in the freezer that needed coated with the spice and broiled - at two minutes turned at 3 minutes turned 3 more minutes and done....

Polish with German Potato Salad

Same day I made the pork roast - and upcoming the shrimp - like I said I cook alot on Sundays and eat thru the week - I made this quick dish.  I buy canned German Potato Salad because when I make it, it has a bazillion more calories all from bacon and bacon fat....

Polish with canned german potato salad

1# polish sausage
2 cans German Potato Salad

Qtr the polish then halve it down the middle. Broil till browned.  Add polish on top of canned potato salad in baking dish.  350 till heated thru - about 30 minutes.

Pork Roast with stuffing and apples

Another easy night - this was the second dish I made to post, sorry pics are not numerous! Was still formulating this plan....

Pork Roast with Apple and Stuffing

Pork Roast 3#?
Box of stuffing mix - or make your own - but made before cooking roast
21 oz can apple pie stuffing - I like to use two but original recipe called for one

Cook stuffing.  Layer stuffing on bottom of roasting pan.  Apples all over it.  Bake about 1 hour at 350.

Hamburger Bean Casserole

We all doctor up canned beans - and this is sooo easy!

Hamburger Bean Casserole

Pound of hamburger
2 16 oz cans pork n beans
Catsup - I prefer Brooks has a tang to it and made in Illinois =)
Brown sugar - I use light

Brown the hamburger.  Mix beans and rest in baking dish.  Drain hamburger add to beans.  Add anything you want.  Bake 350 about 1/2 hour to heat thru and bubbly on edges. 

I love it with oyster crackers.  It's too easy,,,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Salmon Patties

One of my favorite quick and easy! Grew up with them, too, so they're comfort food =)

My Mom's Salmon Patties

1 - 1# can salmon - she uses red I use pink; price and I don't taste much difference
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1/2 C fine bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste
1Tbl lemon juice
1/4C butter - or olive oil or margarine but the butter makes a difference in flavor!

Add canned salmon to eggs.  Crush the *&^% out of the fish.  I use a fork.... Mix well.  Add all but butter and blend.  Melt butter in large frying pan.  Brown patties med high at first to low later in the butter.  Garnish with parsley - lemons - limes - cilantro - whatever you fancy!

I serve with green beans - must be french cut for some reason.  Canned then I add some garlic powder and I crush up a few almonds.  AND! Mashed potatoes!!!! gotta have the mashed potatoes!

They are great next day cold with mayo - or reheat.  They also freeze really well - cooked or uncooked. 

Ingredients - I use Jewel brand potato flakes because they are gluten free.  My daughter has celiac's and it has become habit to look at the label.  Frankly, I think we all should because this intolerance is on the rise in the whole world,,,if an ingredient is not necessary to a product why is it there? Pre-shredded cheeses add flour to help keep the "shreds" from sticking together -

That's the canned salmon added to beaten eggs (good man friend said hey maybe I can follow these pictures - you know
 who you are, you CAN make this!)

Mix it all up - I use CLEAN hands (for aforementioned man) Diablo bit me,,,it hurt

For patty size and pan size - get that butter bubbly hot before putting in(but not not not brown), brown fast,  flip once, brown other side quickly then lower to cook inside, flipping again  - sometimes I cover most times I'm toooo hungry =)
Can of french cut green beans some garlic powder (I don't use garlic salt or fresh garlic here) and smoosh those nuts in a paper towel with a can opener - or anything else you have close by =) Fresh garlic would overpower the beans and I don't much like salt anymore,,,

I'm HUNGRY!  I made this a few weeks ago while in planning - wow - always have this on hand tho =) off to cook em again!!!!!!!!!!

hugs =)

Conversion Site

One of my friends, in Australia, pointed out we all don't use the same measurements.  So I searched for a link (which I'll add to links) and found,,,

Thanks, Gwen!  Now be my friend?  =)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I'll try to post contests I run into -

Here's one for a lady I know who knows who she is....

Wild about Cheesecake -

Deadline is 9/14/2011 - almost her brithday =)

I confess!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ammmmm a dish-a-holic.....

I love my ovens!!!!!!!

The top has a gas - FIRE - broiler - gotta love it punkin pies and turkey goin at once =)

Apple Sausage Overnight Brunch Casserole

Hello! This one's for Teri & Martha =)  This is beyond delicious.  I did a Mothers' Day Brunch for many many years ~ if I did not make this recipe people got upset!  And it is soooo easy =)  I have not figured out how to get a "print" this on here - my suggestion is to copy & paste it (ctrl C to copy - ctrl V to paste).  I'll start with the recipe - in this case in parentheses (doesn't that word just look wrong?)(I checked) is what I use to halve the recipe - and what I made in the pictures. 

Apple Sausage Overnight Brunch Casserole

2# bulk pork sausage (roll or ground) (1#)
3-4 Apples, cored and sliced-about 1/4 slices (2)
9 slices plain ole white bread, crusts removed & cubed (5)
3/4 tsp yellow mustard (1/2 tsp)
9 eggs, beaten (can replace with egg beaters) (5)
1-1/2 C grated sharp cheddar cheese (bought grated not as good) (1C)
3 C milk (I use 2%) (1 - 1/2 C)

Fry the sausage, using slotted spoon remove to baking dish (13 x 9 x 2 or 2- 1-1/2 qt dishes).  Saute the apple in the reserved fat.  Combine rest, giving bread time to absorb the wet ingredients.  Pour over sausage.  Refrigerate overnight.  Preheat 350. Bake uncovered 30 minutes, covered 30 minutes more. 

brown the sausage ~ steamy =) lololol
granny smith here ~ I like golden delicious, too , but they don't hold up well

Plates ready for a dinner of this! Sweet gherkins go wonderfully, crusty bread with apricot marmalade with a bit of chili powder - and heated slightly in the microwave
